Geetanjali University properly focuses on the overall and holistic development of the students not just academically but also mentally.

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The students of the institutes under the University actively take part in various co-curricular activities organized by them or the management time to time. Such activities keep the students relaxed, calm and cheerful. A level of concentration is also increased in them because they do not follow a regular format of studies but also grow holistically.

Activities like quizzes, annual fest, debates, stage shows and other recreational activities take place within the premises of the University. It helps the students to nurture their talents apart from their educational skills. Those who participate in the programmes also explore their own talents and some even destroys their stage phobias.

They are not only given authority to organize the show single handedly but also conduct the same. It takes out their potentials of being responsible and organized. The success of the program not only boosts their confidence but also encourages them to do more of such things in the near future.

The student oriented approach of the University and its management helps them to learn more of themselves rather than external knowledge.