The Department of Biochemistry is involved in the teaching of students of First MBBS course which is affiliated to the Rajasthan university of Health Sciences ,Jaipur(RUHS, Jaipur) Besides, training is imparted to students of M.Sc. Medical biochemistry course of RUHS, JAIPUR.
A well qualified and experienced group of teaching faculty is available for teaching these courses.
The department is part of Department of Laboratory Medicine (Central Clinical Laboratory) of Geetanjali Hospital where in Biochemical Investigations are carried out on patients both routine and emergency basis.
The department also indulges in research activities in the field of clinical biochemistry.
Courses Offered
- Ph.D (Biochemistry)
- MD (Biochemistry)
- M.Sc.(Biochemistry)
Major Equipments
- Fully automated Random Access Clinical Chemistry Analyser, Hitachi 902
- Semi Automated Biochemistry Analyzers – ERBA
- Ion Selective Electrode Electrolyte Analyzer
- Electro Chemiluminesence Analyzer ELYCSIS 2010
- UV-Vis double beam spectrophotometer
- Fluor meter
- Electrophoresis Submarine & vertical gel apparatus
- Ph Meter
- Fully automated Serum Electrolyte Analyser
- Fully automated serum chemistry analyser Cobas C311
- Fully automated Hormone /tumor marker analyser Cobas E411
- Electrophoretic instruments
- Chromatography
- Spectrophotometer
- Colorimeter
- Advanced serum analyzers for Hormone, tumor markers, infertily profile
- Buffer and other biochemical solution formation
- Standard solution and formation of Calibration Curve
Ongoing Research Work
- The relationship between serum iron level and hypothyroidism in patients belonging to tribal area of southern Rajasthan.
- A study of analysis of different biochemical cardiac marker in myocardial infraction patients.
- Biochemical and nutritional profile in cirrhosis of liver.
- Status of fructosamine in hyperthyroidism and diabetic patients.
- Biochemical association of IL-6,CRP,BMI, atherogenic index of plasma with gonadotropins in hypothyroid reproductive age group women. Interpretation of infertility from LH/FSH ratio in Polycystic ovarian disease. Comparative study of various biochemical parameters and possible effects of prolonged consumption of ethyl alcohol in population residing in Udaipur.
- Status of IL-6 and lipid profile in depressive disorder.
List of Publications
- Sharma N, Pareek k U, Sharma A, Mangukiya K, Mali KL, Kaushik GG. Comparative study of role of macrominerals & electrolytes with atherogenic index of plasma in diabetic men and women.medical science, 2014 vol 13, no 50 2321-27.
- Sharma N, Mangukiya K, Mali KL, Pareek K ,U, Sharma. A Comparative study of the status of Vitamin D3 in young office working women and housewives in Udaipur, Rajasthan, , IJPSR, 2015; Vol. 6(5): 2197-2200.
- Sharma A., Agrawal A., Sharma A., Diabetic Cardiovascularcomplications and dyslipidemia: A hospital basd cross sectional study in northeast India. IJCRR 2012; 4(7):11-5
- Sharma A., Sharma A., Agrawal A.,Correlation of homocysteine with malondialdehyde and lipid parameter in coronary artery disease patients. IJCRR 2012; 4 (14): 44-8
- Sharma A, Agrawal A. Complimentry &Alternative; medicine use among patients presenting in out patient department at tertiary care teaching hospital hospital in southern rajasthan , india A quitionaire based study. Alter integ med , 2015, 4:1
- Mangukiya Ketan & Sharma N .Clinical correlation between diabetes mellitus type-2 and vitamin D3 level . I.J.S.N. vol.5 (3) 2014, 440-442. Jain R, Jain p, mangukiya K. Study of serum amylase in the patients of type-2 diabetes mellitus . IJSN, vol, 5 (3, 2014): 553- 556.
- Paper entitled "Diabetic dyslipidemia and its association with diabetic retinopathy" Accepted in Journal of Advance Researches in Biological Sciences, ISSN 0975- 3923
- Case Report entitled "Xanthochromia – a novel biochemical marker in detection of Sub arachnoid Hemorrhage" in journal of Laboratory Physician (peer group review) ISSN p0974 -2727, 0nline 0974-7826
Biochemistry Investigations
- Blood glucose
- Electrolyte
- ABG Analysis ( available in ICU) : POCT
- Acute Abdomen /abdominal injury markers (Amylase / lipase)
- CSF Analysis
- Other fluid (pleural /peritoneal/ Ascitic) Analysis
- Urinary Sodium/Urinary osmolarity
- Ketone body estimation in serum and urine
- Tests related with Infertility clinic ( LH, FSH, Prolactin, B-HCG, Estradiol, progesterone )
- Tumor markers ( B-HCG, PSA )
- Cardiac markers (HsCRP, Homocysteine)
- Diabetic panel
- CSF/ peritoneal/ pleural/ Ascitic fluid Analysis
- Complete health check up
Departmental Activities
- Organized Continuing Medical Education (CME) Programme on
Quality Control in Lab Medicine
- Conducting seminars & journal club meetings
- Part of Medical Education Unit of the college
- Participation in clinical meetings of Hospital
- Conducting seminars and journal club meetings